This is a temporary safe loving haven for girls and women in need of emergency rescue and support while being counseled, rehabilitated, skilled, and re-united with family. The center is open to victims of crisis/ teenage pregnancy,GBV, sexual abuse, child marriage, and other forms of exploitation. Most of these girls and mothers are abandoned by their families and others are from very poor and abusive homes and so need a safe haven, medical care, and psychosocial support. In this drop-in center, these girls, young mothers, and young adults are received, loved, and also supported in different ways through counselling, medical care, life skills training, vocational skills trainings as well providing baby and Mama kits.These two contain items for a safe delivery thus saving both lives but also providing mama and baby items that are essential for safe child birth. We also provide them with mentorship and parenting clases.We do devotions and minister healing and restoration through talks about forgiveness and reconciliation with their families after their stay.


GAREP (At-Risk Empowerment Project) serves girls in risky environments like slums, on the street, and in other dangerous communities by offering them counseling, mentorship, menstrual hygiene training and resources, life skills and support.

Through GAREP, The Fortress also reaches out to girls in schools to empower them to stay in school longer. Here, we work with girls between 12 to 19 years of age. We look out for girls who live in challenging situations and environments like slums and poverty. These girls are at risk of teenage pregnancy, HIV AIDS, abuse GBV, HIV and STIs among other challenges. We reach out through girl and boy seminars, conferences and outreach projects to educate, guide and counsel the youth. We have offered awareness to thousands of youth through talks, music and arts about real-life issues like healthy relationships, true beauty, self-esteem, HIV/Aids and offer counseling. We provide reproductive health and menstrual hygiene training and give incentives to the girls, especially of greatly needed items like sanitary towels, school materials, underwear etc.


Through this program, girls and women are empowered through skilling and education of girls/ young mothers who have dropped out of school because of crisis like teenage pregnancy, death of parents, extreme poverty, GBV and really have a desire and passion to be back in schol or atain a skill. We have sponsored a number of girls in primary school, secondary and vocational/ hand-skills training in courses like fashion, design, tailoring, bakery, cookery, Nursery teaching etc.
We have graduates in Tailoring, hairdressing, cosmetology, Teaching and are already working and taking care of their financial needs and those of their children.
What a blessing to be able to see these girls and women empowered and on their way to a brighter future. It’s a lost dream come true for them!!


WoP is focused on helping women in the community through both on station training, and outreaches to where they are to provide counselling, active parenting trainings and capacity building, accountability and support groups, mentorship, discipleship, and economic empowerment for holistic family strengthening. We reach out to different people; individual mothers, families or groups faced with different challenges in life. We help them to appreciate their value, purpose and abilities. Also we do seminars, women conferences.

We provide home visits and Mama kits the vulnerable pregnant mothers.

Masuliita women’s group is one of our loved women group project which empowers women in all ways. Women were given piglets and goat kids to start piggery projects and are able to earn money to take care of their families and themselves.
Thru this project, we have witnessed hope restored, joy restored to families and individuals.


The Fortress is a family that upholds its own. Because holistic and flourishing progress is important to us, we run ongoing programs which aim at continue  support and development.

The activities in this program include

  • Homecomings
  • Children Camps
  • Periodicfollow-up visits
  • Financial literacy, saving and investment